WCA reaffirms commitment to the UN Global Compact
World Coal Association
The World Coal Association (WCA) has reaffirmed its commitment to the UN Global Compact (UNGC) through the submission of its ‘Communication on Engagement report. WCA became a signatory to the UNGC in May 2017, pledging to support the Ten Principles with respect to the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
The WCA is the only body that represents the coal industry at the global level, bringing together stakeholders to help the industry respond to the challenges it faces, encouraging innovation, and supporting members to be industry leaders.
Over the past two years, WCA has:
- Engaged members and other stakeholders around broader Global Compact related issues, such as starting a work programme on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which has explored issues and opportunities around coal and the SDGs, looking at how WCA could approach a mapping exercise.
- Published flagship reports to establish intellectual rigour behind the argument that coal and low emission technologies can support sustainable development and action on climate change, such as “Driving CCUS deployment: The pathway to zero emissions from coal”.
- Been involved in collaborative initiatives with a number of leading organisations to promote the UNGC principles, and UN SDGs, in a number of different regions.
- Represented the global coal industry at high-level international events on energy, sustainable development and climate change, including the annual UN Conferences of the Parties to Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) most recently at COP24 in Katowice in December 2018.
The Global Compact is the worlds largest corporate sustainability initiative with more than 9,500 members across more than 160 countries.
Download our submission here.