FutureCoal positively impacts a diverse and influential stakeholder audience, including governments, energy agencies, industry, academia, and media.
The Alliance speaks and attends major energy forums and organises dedicated FutureCoal-branded roadshows and summits addressing the latest developments across the global coal industry.
The Alliance benefits from this representation by showcasing their work internationally and through collaboration, partnership and networking opportunities.
The Alliance’s Impact
Collaboration & Partnership
The Alliance creates opportunities for collaboration and partnerships between members and key stakeholders across the industry (including mining, metals and cement sectors), investment and insurance, academic institutions, and the news media.

Global Media
The Global Alliance is the only member-led organization which is the global spokesperson for coal speaking to its significance and total contribution.
We speak and conduct interview will all global media and run multiple educational campaigns to dispel the myths and misconceptions about coal.
Independent research confirms that a single campaign has an audience reach of at least 1.9 billion.

Government Engagement
The Alliance has access to key government bodies and ministries in territories where coal remains vital to development and decarbonization to promote effective policy setting which supports Sustainable Coal Stewardship, in particular the deployment of abated coal technologies.
This includes Australia, Southeast Asia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America.

The Alliance leads coal-related research with reputable faculties around the world. This includes the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) in Indonesia and Moscow Financial University Moscow (FinU) in Russia.
In the past year, research conducted by ACE found that power generating costs on a Value Adjusted Levalised Cost of Electricity (VALCOE) basis for solar PV and onshore wind cannot provide the same level of security at an affordable cost as power from coal.

Upcoming Events
The Alliance conducts major roadshows which elevate coal’s profile in key countries and territories.
It participates in major energy and climate change conferences and events, including mining expos and the UN Conference of Parties (COP), ensuring the Alliance members are seen, heard and understood.
In the past year, roadshows have taken place touring key coal producing and consuming regions.

Advocacy & Advice
The Alliance employs energy expertise in its dedicated policy, communications and business development functions, advising members on coal industry information, best practices and foresight.
As a Think Tank, it has an extensive repository of fact-based coal information widely used by global stakeholder groups.
Members are represented on two subcommittees, Policy and Sustainability (PECo) and Brand and Communications (BCCo), where members provide valuable input on FutureCoal initiatives.

The Alliance facilitates networking opportunities between members and stakeholders through regular interaction, information-sharing events, and social media – including an exclusive member portal on this website.
Services include the Alliance’s highly respected FutureCoal Summit series, inviting members and energy experts to discuss innovation, policy and engagement across vital coal issues.
Our 2023 “Future Coal” Leaders Forum in Singapore attracted substantial international interest by focusing on transitioning to coal’s non-energy applications. This included reclaimed coal waste, which can produce a wealth of materials such as rare earth elements/metals (REE/REM), carbon products for the aluminium industry, graphene, carbon fibres, activated carbon, and coal use in agriculture (for food).