Responsible Coal Principles

The Responsible Coal Principles (RCP) are our statement of intent in support of the UN Sustainable Development goals.


Every FutureCoal Global Alliance participant is a signatory to the Principles and reflect the common goals of our diverse membership.


The RCP underscores the Alliance’s commitment to promoting responsible investment in coal and clean coal technologies, in developing, emerging and developed regions.


The RCP includes operational processes and technologies enabling advanced environmental oversight by advancing and investing in abated and clean coal technologies.


The coal industry has been innovating solutions to real-world problems for over one hundred years. We will need to continue to build on this legacy if we are to continue supporting global communities around the world who rely on us.


The RCP acknowledges Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) growing importance for socially conscious investors across the entire value chain.


Our Alliance stands together in their responsibility to be ethical, sustainable stewards, mindful of both the environment and our global community.

The 7 Responsible Coal Principles

Commit to deliver a positive social and economic contribution to the countries and communities in which we are part; act with integrity, shared purpose and respect for individual cultures, customs and values.

Acknowledge the impact of climate change and importance of mitigating all emissions from coal; commit to actively supporting low emission coal technologies, investment and innovation.

Commit to mitigate the environmental impacts of our operations and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

Seek to promote an inclusive business environment within our operations, where our people are respected, engaged, recognised and developed.

Commit to the ultimate goal of zero harm and identify opportunities to build on our health and safety performance.

Support proactive engagement with our stakeholders in a way that shares knowledge, seeks opportunities to collaborate and recognises them as valued partners.

Commit to the ultimate goal of zero harm and identify opportunities to build on our health and safety performance.